If you decide to preorder an item on our website, please note the following:
- Our Preorder Items are best-selling pieces that have previously been Instock and are now sold out. Due to the high demand we have already placed a new order, which can take from 1-8 weeks, depending on the fabric and item details.
- The dates listed on the Preorder item page are approximation communicated by our manufacturer, and we will update you with once we have the exact date.
- Payment is charged immediately at checkout, not when the item ships.
- If you need to cancel your Preorder or Update in any way, please contact us prior to shipping.
- If you are ordering a preorder item with an In-Stock item, you will only be charged shipping once. We will not charge you again once your Pre-order has shipped.
- For Returns on Preorders, you have 10 days from the day you received the Order.
Leading the way for diversity and inclusion, we support Our Tribe by identifying the individual needs within the equestrian world. Creating desirable high-end collections, which deliver excellence consistently and meet the unique needs of our people, we provide solutions and offer comfort and functionality in the saddle every day.

Using only high-quality technical fabrics and performance-driven designs, our pieces are crafted with functionality and the body in mind, while appealing to the style-conscious equestrian. With unquestionable comfort at the core of our clothing range, our products are designed with breathable stretch fabrics and are incredibly soft on the skin. Versatility is another key component within the design. Our pieces can be layered, mixed, or matched, creating a unique wardrobe suitable for daily or competition wear, consistently achieving a chic athletic equestrian look. The quality of cut and fabric selection ensures high performance and comfort while remaining effortlessly in style.
The aspiration: to forge a community that defies conventional boundaries, a collective of individuals united by a shared love for equestrian pursuits. Following the timeless philosophy of sportswear, the emphasis expanded to encompass performance, function, and comfort. Meticulously crafting a blend of style and functionality, the resulting equestrian range stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of beauty and purpose. This unique collection seamlessly transitions from the untamed bison-inspired realm to the competitive stage, appealing to both the novice enthusiast and the seasoned rider alike.